Review | Should web browsers have stuck to being document viewers?
February 28, 2021Web 浏览器只能局限在文档浏览器吗?
Written by blankyao who lives and works in Amoy building useful things.
Web 浏览器只能局限在文档浏览器吗?
heroku values, 信任,Permutation in String
making computers better; 管理的范式;Word Break
Patterns of resilience; 反脆弱;Task Scheduler
No-code Revolution. Why Now? 开诚布公地探讨你的观察;Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons
为什么到现在才爆发 No-code 革命?
Machines for creative enablement;开诚布公地探讨你的观察;Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons
创造者 VS 管理者,日程规划能成就了你的工作,也可能毁掉你的工作;不考运气赚钱;Find Bottom Left Tree Value
Life is short; Maximal Square
Define Errors Out Of Existence; 如何减少公司对个人的依赖;Longest Palindromic Subsequence
A clean start for the web; 把什么放入架构设计;Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
How Books and Television Affect Your Brain Differently, According to Science; 谨防长期规划;House Robber III
Google Technical Writing; 贾扬清;Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
Smalltalk 与面向对象编程;Permutations II
Introducing the Smalltalk-80 System
As We May Think; Word Search
Personal Dynamic Media
Remove Nth Node From End of List, The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List, Dr. Alan Kay on the Meaning of "Object-Oriented Programming"
Decode String, React Native Team Principles, 吴庆瑞
Container With Most Water, Why We Leverage Multi-tenancy in Uber’s Microservice Architecture
Founding and Growing Adobe Systems, 3Sum, 状态机
这篇论文记录了 Adobe 发展的主要历程
Find the Duplicate Number, Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
Jump Game, Figma 的工程价值观
Figma 的工程价值观
Why Hypercard Had to Die, Longest Palindromic Substring, 浏览器成为了最大且最开放的计算平台
The Rise and Fall of Commercial Smalltalk, Open the Lock
Sketchpad, Partition Labels, 计算机简史
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters, The Third Age of JavaScript, 前端和后端谁更高级
ARTS #011
ARTS #010
ARTS #009
ARTS #008
Laws of Software Evolution 是 Manny Lehman 通过对实际软件项目的观察总结的关于软件演进的规律,这个定律从 1970 年代到 1990 年代也演进了好几个版本。
ARTS #007
ARTS #006
增量式改进 VS 革命性创新
ARTS #005
Unix, spreadsheet, Hypercard, HTML, Zapier, Coda, Siri Shortcuts
ARTS #004
当我们在说 RESTful 时我们在说什么?
Constraint Programming 是人工智能领域用的比较广的一种解决问题的范式,指的是在一系列条件约束下求出问题的解或者最优解。
ARTS #003
ARTS #002
Joel Spolsky 关于 Windows API 的看法
ARTS #001
Hyrum's Law 是 Google 的软件工程师 Hyrum Wright 总结的规律。